Note the YAML contains specifications for a github document and html. The best way to deal with this is to knit them separately from the knit menu. Otherwise the html has blurry plots and tends to delete the md cached plots unless you tell it to cache everything!


knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60),tidy=TRUE, echo = TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.align="center")

theme_1 <- function () { 
    theme_classic() %+replace% 
          axis.text = element_text( size=12),
          strip.text = element_text(size = 14),
          strip.background = element_rect(color='white'),
          panel.grid.major = element_line(color='grey',size=0.1)

Panel A

Let’s read in and look at the table of pel data.

pel_extracts <- read_csv("../data/2018_10_30_HPLC_concentrations_df.csv", 
    comment = "#") %>% filter(strain %in% c("WTpar", "dPel"))

pel_extracts %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", 
    "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), full_width = F) %>% 
    scroll_box(height = "250px")
measured_phenazine strain amount_added added_phenazine material replicate RT Area Channel Name Amount calcConc
PCA dPel NA NA agar 1 3.060 114063 364.0nm 7.487 23.95840
PCN dPel NA NA agar 1 8.858 303178 364.0nm 19.998 63.99360
PYO dPel NA NA agar 1 6.007 24774 313.0nm 0.762 2.43840
PCA dPel NA NA agar 2 3.056 99389 364.0nm 6.524 20.87680
PCN dPel NA NA agar 2 8.870 229828 364.0nm 15.160 48.51200
PYO dPel NA NA agar 2 6.014 23647 313.0nm 0.727 2.32640
PCA dPel NA NA agar 3 3.055 104913 364.0nm 6.887 22.03840
PCN dPel NA NA agar 3 8.861 217660 364.0nm 14.357 45.94240
PYO dPel NA NA agar 3 6.005 25757 313.0nm 0.792 2.53440
PCA dPel NA NA cells 1 3.181 8470 364.0nm 0.556 15.93867
PCN dPel NA NA cells 1 8.852 185244 364.0nm 12.219 350.27800
PYO dPel NA NA cells 1 6.009 113480 313.0nm 3.491 100.07533
PCA dPel NA NA cells 2 3.186 10494 364.0nm 0.689 19.75133
PCN dPel NA NA cells 2 8.850 179462 364.0nm 11.838 339.35600
PYO dPel NA NA cells 2 6.005 117862 313.0nm 3.625 103.91667
PCA dPel NA NA cells 3 3.197 11134 364.0nm 0.731 20.95533
PCN dPel NA NA cells 3 8.840 201283 364.0nm 13.277 380.60733
PYO dPel NA NA cells 3 5.993 124770 313.0nm 3.838 110.02267
PCA WTpar NA NA cells 1 3.234 10524 364.0nm 0.691 19.80867
PCN WTpar NA NA cells 1 8.840 227724 364.0nm 15.021 430.60200
PYO WTpar NA NA cells 1 5.995 86700 313.0nm 2.667 76.45400
PCA WTpar NA NA cells 2 3.222 11003 364.0nm 0.722 20.69733
PCN WTpar NA NA cells 2 8.851 206671 364.0nm 13.632 390.78400
PYO WTpar NA NA cells 2 6.005 84758 313.0nm 2.607 74.73400
PCA WTpar NA NA cells 3 3.178 5777 364.0nm 0.379 10.86467
PCN WTpar NA NA cells 3 8.840 220629 364.0nm 14.553 417.18600
PYO WTpar NA NA cells 3 5.995 88787 313.0nm 2.731 78.28867
PCA WTpar NA NA agar 1 3.056 124641 364.0nm 8.182 26.18240
PCN WTpar NA NA agar 1 8.855 393800 364.0nm 25.976 83.12320
PYO WTpar NA NA agar 1 6.008 25687 313.0nm 0.790 2.52800
PCA WTpar NA NA agar 2 3.043 135302 364.0nm 8.882 28.42240
PCN WTpar NA NA agar 2 8.861 435638 364.0nm 28.736 91.95520
PYO WTpar NA NA agar 2 6.009 27091 313.0nm 0.833 2.66560
PCA WTpar NA NA agar 3 3.040 122418 364.0nm 8.036 25.71520
PCN WTpar NA NA agar 3 8.854 387178 364.0nm 25.539 81.72480
PYO WTpar NA NA agar 3 6.003 24705 313.0nm 0.760 2.43200

Ok, now let’s plot an overview of the dataset.

pel_extracts_means <- pel_extracts %>% group_by(material, measured_phenazine, 
    strain) %>% mutate(mean = ifelse(replicate == 1, mean(calcConc), 

ggplot(pel_extracts_means, aes(x = strain, y = calcConc, fill = measured_phenazine)) + 
    geom_col(aes(y = mean)) + geom_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0, 
    shape = 21, size = 2) + facet_wrap(material ~ measured_phenazine, 
    scales = "free") + scale_x_discrete(breaks = c("dPel", "WTpar"), 
    labels = c(expression(Delta * "pel"), "WT")) + labs(x = "Strain", 
    y = expression("Biofilm concentration" ~ (mu * M))) + guides(fill = F)

You can see that for each phenazine the concentration differs between the strains for both the cells aka biofilm and the agar. What we actually care about is the retention ratio, so let’s calculate and look at that.

# Split dataset by material
pel_extracts_means_agar <- pel_extracts_means %>% filter(material == 

pel_extracts_means_biofilm <- pel_extracts_means %>% filter(material == 

# Join agar and cell observations and calculate retention
# ratios = biofilm / agar
pel_extracts_means_join <- left_join(pel_extracts_means_biofilm, 
    pel_extracts_means_agar, by = c("strain", "replicate", "measured_phenazine"), 
    suffix = c("_from_biofilm", "_from_agar")) %>% mutate(retention_ratio = calcConc_from_biofilm/calcConc_from_agar) %>% 
    mutate(mean_retention_ratio = mean_from_biofilm/mean_from_agar)

# Plot Layout
plot_pel <- ggplot(pel_extracts_means_join, aes(x = strain, y = retention_ratio, 
    fill = measured_phenazine)) + geom_col(aes(y = mean_retention_ratio)) + 
    geom_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0, shape = 21, size = 2) + 
    facet_wrap(~measured_phenazine, scales = "free")

# Styling
plot_pel_styled <- plot_pel + scale_x_discrete(breaks = c("WTpar", 
    "dPel"), labels = c("WT", expression(Delta * "pel")), limits = c("WTpar", 
    "dPel")) + labs(x = NULL, y = expression(Biofilm/Agar)) + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14)) + guides(fill = F)


Cool, now we can see that indeed PYO may be more tightly retained in the pel mutant.

Panel B

Let’s read in the dnase dataset and look at the table:

dnase_extracts <- read_csv("../data/2018_10_08_HPLC_concentrations_df.csv", 
    comment = "#") %>% filter(Strain == "WT" & Day == "D4") %>% 
    group_by(Phenazine, Condition, Material) %>% mutate(mean = ifelse(Replicate == 
    1, mean(calcConc), NA))

dnase_extracts %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", 
    "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), full_width = F) %>% 
    scroll_box(height = "250px")
Phenazine Strain Condition Replicate Material Day RT Area Channel Name Amount calcConc mean
PYO WT DNase 1 cells D4 5.952 78120 313.0nm 2.523 72.32600 71.055111
PCA WT DNase 1 cells D4 3.170 10966 364.0nm 0.698 20.00933 17.601333
PCN WT DNase 1 cells D4 8.799 283489 364.0nm 19.744 565.99467 567.934444
PYO WT DNase 1 agar D4 5.963 13770 313.0nm 0.445 1.42400 1.163733
PCA WT DNase 1 agar D4 3.066 42599 364.0nm 2.712 8.67840 7.740800
PCN WT DNase 1 agar D4 8.807 117981 364.0nm 8.217 26.29440 24.491733
PYO WT DNase 2 agar D4 5.967 9463 313.0nm 0.306 0.97920 NA
PCA WT DNase 2 agar D4 3.065 34587 364.0nm 2.202 7.04640 NA
PCN WT DNase 2 agar D4 8.812 100344 364.0nm 6.989 22.36480 NA
PYO WT DNase 3 agar D4 5.964 10533 313.0nm 0.340 1.08800 NA
PCA WT DNase 3 agar D4 3.105 36801 364.0nm 2.343 7.49760 NA
PCN WT DNase 3 agar D4 8.803 111355 364.0nm 7.755 24.81600 NA
PYO WT none 1 agar D4 5.971 15508 313.0nm 0.501 1.60320 1.349333
PCA WT none 1 agar D4 3.054 43066 364.0nm 2.742 8.77440 8.238933
PCN WT none 1 agar D4 8.815 75035 364.0nm 5.226 16.72320 22.126933
PYO WT none 2 agar D4 5.968 12382 313.0nm 0.400 1.28000 NA
PCA WT none 2 agar D4 3.060 40419 364.0nm 2.573 8.23360 NA
PCN WT none 2 agar D4 8.814 101441 364.0nm 7.065 22.60800 NA
PYO WT none 3 agar D4 5.964 11287 313.0nm 0.364 1.16480 NA
PCA WT none 3 agar D4 3.059 37847 364.0nm 2.409 7.70880 NA
PCN WT none 3 agar D4 8.811 121366 364.0nm 8.453 27.04960 NA
PYO WT DNase 2 cells D4 5.942 75064 313.0nm 2.424 69.48800 NA
PCA WT DNase 2 cells D4 3.132 9362 364.0nm 0.596 17.08533 NA
PCN WT DNase 2 cells D4 8.789 285936 364.0nm 19.915 570.89667 NA
PYO WT DNase 3 cells D4 5.949 77070 313.0nm 2.489 71.35133 NA
PCA WT DNase 3 cells D4 3.119 8611 364.0nm 0.548 15.70933 NA
PCN WT DNase 3 cells D4 8.797 283951 364.0nm 19.776 566.91200 NA
PYO WT none 1 cells D4 5.957 102908 313.0nm 3.323 95.25933 88.847556
PCA WT none 1 cells D4 3.113 13782 364.0nm 0.877 25.14067 20.324667
PCN WT none 1 cells D4 8.804 306236 364.0nm 21.328 611.40267 614.231111
PYO WT none 2 cells D4 5.946 98479 313.0nm 3.180 91.16000 NA
PCA WT none 2 cells D4 3.100 9417 364.0nm 0.599 17.17133 NA
PCN WT none 2 cells D4 8.792 301514 364.0nm 20.999 601.97133 NA
PYO WT none 3 cells D4 5.931 86539 313.0nm 2.795 80.12333 NA
PCA WT none 3 cells D4 3.092 10222 364.0nm 0.651 18.66200 NA
PCN WT none 3 cells D4 8.778 315202 364.0nm 21.953 629.31933 NA

Now, let’s look at an overview of the experiment.

ggplot(dnase_extracts, aes(x = Condition, y = calcConc, fill = Phenazine)) + 
    geom_col(aes(y = mean)) + geom_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0, 
    shape = 21, size = 2) + facet_wrap(Material ~ Phenazine, 
    scales = "free")

Here you can see that the agar concentrations between the Dnase treated and untreated don’t differ meaningfully, but the cell/biofilm concentrations might. So, let’s ignore the agar concentrations for now. It’s also important to note that by calculating a ratio as we did above for pel we do risk amplifying meaningless differences by dividing large numbers by small numbers.

Here’s the biofilm only:

# Plot layout
dnase_plot <- ggplot(dnase_extracts %>% filter(Material == "cells"), 
    aes(x = Condition, y = calcConc, fill = Phenazine)) + geom_col(aes(y = mean)) + 
    geom_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0, shape = 21, size = 2) + 
    facet_wrap(~Phenazine, scales = "free")

# Plot styling
dnase_plot_styled <- dnase_plot + labs(x = NULL, y = expression("Biofilm concentration" ~ 
    (mu * M))) + scale_x_discrete(limits = c("none", "DNase")) + 
    guides(fill = F) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14))


So there may be a difference for PYO and PCN, but it’s not dramatic.

Here’s the retention ratios just for comparison:

# Split dataset by material
dnase_extracts_agar <- dnase_extracts %>% filter(Material == 

dnase_extracts_biofilm <- dnase_extracts %>% filter(Material == 

# Join agar and cell observations and calculate retention
# ratios = biofilm / agar
dnase_extracts_join <- left_join(dnase_extracts_biofilm, dnase_extracts_agar, 
    by = c("Strain", "Replicate", "Phenazine", "Condition", "Day"), 
    suffix = c("_from_biofilm", "_from_agar")) %>% mutate(retention_ratio = calcConc_from_biofilm/calcConc_from_agar) %>% 
    mutate(mean_retention_ratio = mean_from_biofilm/mean_from_agar)

# Plot
ggplot(dnase_extracts_join, aes(x = Condition, y = retention_ratio, 
    fill = Phenazine)) + geom_col(aes(y = mean_retention_ratio)) + 
    geom_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0, shape = 21, size = 2) + 
    facet_wrap(~Phenazine, scales = "free") + guides(fill = F)