
knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60),tidy=TRUE, echo = TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.align="center", fig.retina = 2)




This experiment is a follow up to several other attempted experiments to perturb the DNA bound phenazines in colony biofilms. We tried to treat biofilms with DNase 1 in he underlying agar to chop up the eDNA into smaller pieces. This was somewhat successful when DNase was not incubated in its NEB buffer, which killed the cells. However, the effects were modest, so I tried repeating the experiment with DNase in PBS supplemented with Mg2+, which should further activate the enzyme. Further, I wanted to try the experiment on WT and ∆pelB colonies, since we think that Pel may be binding eDNA and blocking PYO binding sites it may also interfere with the activity of the DNase…?

I have also tried perturbing colony retained phenazines with a competitive intercalator ethidium (also tried propidium). This experiment has worked reasonably well multiple times, although it is complicated to displace WT phenazines, since the cells just seem to make more. Recently I tried exposing ∆phz* to phenazine and an etbr competitor simultaneously and it worked well. However, I only had duplicate measurements and I did not test PCA (only PYO and PCN). Therefore I wanted triplicates this time and also expose to PCA.


Colonies were grown as normal in 6 well plates on 0.2um filter membranes atop agar, incubated in the dark at room temperature. Images were taken on the keyence on days 3 and 4.


∆phz* colonies were inoculated on top of plate wells containing different concentrations of ethidium bromide (etbr) and constant concentrations of phenazines (50uM). The concentrations of etbr used were 0, 10, 100, and 500. Each well contained 500uL of liquid (in PBS 50) added to the bottom before agar was poured on top and mixed.

10mM etbr stock was prepared and filter sterilized. It was diluted 5 fold and then 10 fold to yield 3 different stock solutions of 10mM, 2mM, and 200uM. Each of those stocks was 20x the intended final concentration, so 250uL of each was added to the appropriate well (or PBS only). Then each phenazine (50uM) was added to the wells (~10 - 40uL) and the remaining volume was made up with PBS 50.

Plates were prepared and dried for 1 hr in the biosafety cabinet.

Phenazine stocks were 10mM for PCA in NaOH, 20mM for PCN in DMSO, and 6.79mM for PYO in HCl.


Six Parsek WT colonies and six ∆pelB colonies were grown as usual for three days. For 24 hours, colonies were transferred to fresh agar plate wells containing 25uL DNase or buffer only. The DNase / buffer solutions were allowed to dry for ~5 min, but were still liquid pools on the surface of the agar.

The Buffer was PBS 137mM NaCl pH 7.2 + 5mM MgSO4.


Colonies were resuspended in 800uL PBS 137 (pH 7.2) in eppendorf tubes. Tubes with filter membranes + colonies were vortexed for 1 min each at max speed. This was sufficient to resuspend most of the colonies into a cloudy haze and small bits of biofilm. However for colonies treated with 100uM or 500uM EtBr, the colonies were very tough and the vortex was not sufficient. Next all the membranes were removed from the tubes, and for the colonies that did not come off the membranes they were moved (biofilm + membrane) to a petri dish and the intact biofilm mass was removed from the membrane with tweezers and placed back in the tube.

*Note the PCA treated colonies were treated in the water bath sonicator on high for 5 min in an attempt to resuspend them better. This was not successful and was not performed on the PCN and PYO samples.

The volume of liquid in each tube was measured by pipette. The DNase colonies were easy to resuspend and a p200 was used. The etbr were more difficult to resuspend, so a p1000 was used to grind and further break up the biofilm by pipetting up and down and the volume of that slurry was measured (crudely) in the p1000 (starting from 850uL pipette volume).

Finally all of the biofilm suspensions were centrifuged at 6,000 rcf for 5 min to pellet the cells. 650uL of the supernatant was transferred to fresh tubes. The etbr treated samples had obviously red liquids at 100 and 500uM.


Extracts were defrosted and vortexed briefly before being transferred into spin-X filter columns (600uL). Filter columns were spun at max speed (~16k rcf) for 1.5min. Samples were diluted two fold in LC-MS sample vials (500uL sample + 500uL PBS 137).

Samples were run and processed using the standard method. MS channels were acquired.


First let’s look at the colony volumes to see if there are large differences in colony sizes that may skew our results. Remember these data were acquired simply by pipetting up the entire solution and measuring the volume crudely with a pipette. That means the measurements were extremely susceptible to bubbles that rise to the top of the solution and displace volume that wasn’t due to liquid.

df_vol <- read_csv("data/2019_10_22_colony_volumes.csv")

df_vol %>% kable() %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(height = "300px")
strain treatment phz_added etbr_added_uM Replicate Measured_Volume
∆pelB none NA NA 1 700
∆pelB none NA NA 2 719
∆pelB none NA NA 3 689
∆pelB dnase NA NA 1 725
∆pelB dnase NA NA 2 733
∆pelB dnase NA NA 3 711
ParWT none NA NA 1 737
ParWT none NA NA 2 771
ParWT none NA NA 3 742
ParWT dnase NA NA 1 735
ParWT dnase NA NA 2 726
ParWT dnase NA NA 3 771
dPHZstar etbr PCA 0uM 1 766
dPHZstar etbr PCA 0uM 2 750
dPHZstar etbr PCA 0uM 3 774
dPHZstar etbr PCA 10uM 1 780
dPHZstar etbr PCA 10uM 2 780
dPHZstar etbr PCA 10uM 3 790
dPHZstar etbr PCA 100uM 1 795
dPHZstar etbr PCA 100uM 2 760
dPHZstar etbr PCA 100uM 3 790
dPHZstar etbr PCA 500uM 1 702
dPHZstar etbr PCA 500uM 2 718
dPHZstar etbr PCA 500uM 3 709
dPHZstar etbr PCN 0uM 1 765
dPHZstar etbr PCN 0uM 2 760
dPHZstar etbr PCN 0uM 3 810
dPHZstar etbr PCN 10uM 1 765
dPHZstar etbr PCN 10uM 2 752
dPHZstar etbr PCN 10uM 3 690
dPHZstar etbr PCN 100uM 1 774
dPHZstar etbr PCN 100uM 2 738
dPHZstar etbr PCN 100uM 3 760
dPHZstar etbr PCN 500uM 1 NA
dPHZstar etbr PCN 500uM 2 720
dPHZstar etbr PCN 500uM 3 670
dPHZstar etbr PYO 0uM 1 780
dPHZstar etbr PYO 0uM 2 770
dPHZstar etbr PYO 0uM 3 770
dPHZstar etbr PYO 10uM 1 800
dPHZstar etbr PYO 10uM 2 785
dPHZstar etbr PYO 10uM 3 795
dPHZstar etbr PYO 100uM 1 785
dPHZstar etbr PYO 100uM 2 725
dPHZstar etbr PYO 100uM 3 735
dPHZstar etbr PYO 500uM 1 744
dPHZstar etbr PYO 500uM 2 715
dPHZstar etbr PYO 500uM 3 735

First let’s look at the DNase treated colonies:

ggplot(df_vol %>% filter(treatment != "etbr"), aes(x = strain, 
    y = Measured_Volume, fill = treatment)) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1)

You can see that there’s a lot of overlap between the treated and untreated colonies, however, the WT colonies may be slightly larger overall. Doesn’t seem like volume will be an issue, which makes sense since the colonies look pretty identical.

Now let’s look at the ethidium treated colonies:

df_vol$etbr_added_uM = factor(df_vol$etbr_added_uM)

levels(df_vol$etbr_added_uM) = c("0uM", "10uM", "100uM", "500uM")

ggplot(df_vol %>% filter(treatment == "etbr"), aes(x = etbr_added_uM, 
    y = Measured_Volume, fill = etbr_added_uM)) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~phz_added, scales = "free") + 
    scale_fill_viridis_d(guide = F)

Here we can see a few things.

First, the variation in the measurements between groups is pretty high compared to the DNased colonies. One thing to note is that the DNased colonies were measured with a p200, while these colonies were measured with the p1000 and there may just be an accuracy difference involved in the pipette itself or in the process of filling the tip with liquid (e.g. more bubbles?). The reason I used a different pipette was because the etbr treated colonies were relatively hard to resuspend, so I ended up sort of shearing the biofilm material by pipetting with the p1000 and I was able to suck up larger chunks using the larger tips.

Second, it looks like the 500uM etbr condition had smaller measured volumes for all three of the phenazines, although there’s some variability. This sort of makes sense based on morphology, the etbr colonies all had a compact morphology, but they did seem to be quite thick. However, I think there’s something else going on.

One other reason these colonies may have had consistently smaller volumes, is that they were so hard to get off the membrane that I ended up removing the biofilm / membrane post vortex and transferring to a petri dish. Then I physically removed the biofilm from the membrane using sterilized tweezers. When removing the biofilm and membrane I think a significant amount of liquid was lost. Now the question is - would that skew the LC-MS measurement? Possibly.

If most of the phenazine was already extracted upon vortexing and some of that liquid were lost then the measurement would not be affected. If very little of the phenazine was already extracted and most of it was still in the intact colony, then perhaps the loss of volume would actually skew the concentration slightly higher…I think that both of these effects should be pretty small, but importantly I would say it’s inconclusive whether or not the 500uM etbr colonies actually contained smaller biofilm volumes than the other colonies. As I thought before, I think we don’t really have the resolution to say. These measurements are just not very sensitive…also note that all these volumes are below the initial 800uL, because a significant volume of liquid is lost on all the membranes upon removal (even ones that come out clean). It’s unclear if that loss component is even constant…

Let’s move forward to the LC-MS measurements with this in the back of our minds, but ultimately few conclusions drawn.


Here’s the DNase treated colonies. I treated both the ∆pelB mutant and the parsek WT strain (background for mutant).

df_dnase <- read_csv("data/2019_10_22_colony_dnase_data.csv")

df_dnase %>% kable() %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(height = "300px")
measured_phenazine strain treatment day material rep RT Area Channel Name Amount
PYO dPEL none D4 cells 1 6.060 68442 313.0nm 2.585
PCA dPEL none D4 cells 1 2.925 10657 364.0nm 0.688
PCN dPEL none D4 cells 1 8.886 226830 364.0nm 17.304
PYO dPEL none D4 cells 2 6.067 70378 313.0nm 2.658
PCA dPEL none D4 cells 2 2.894 9822 364.0nm 0.634
PCN dPEL none D4 cells 2 8.897 215873 364.0nm 16.468
PYO dPEL none D4 cells 3 6.048 73642 313.0nm 2.782
PCA dPEL none D4 cells 3 2.890 9854 364.0nm 0.636
PCN dPEL none D4 cells 3 8.876 219029 364.0nm 16.709
PYO dPEL dnase D4 cells 1 6.062 79850 313.0nm 3.016
PCA dPEL dnase D4 cells 1 2.890 10384 364.0nm 0.670
PCN dPEL dnase D4 cells 1 8.888 235254 364.0nm 17.946
PYO dPEL dnase D4 cells 2 6.054 87142 313.0nm 3.292
PCA dPEL dnase D4 cells 2 2.887 10694 364.0nm 0.690
PCN dPEL dnase D4 cells 2 8.882 238178 364.0nm 18.170
PYO dPEL dnase D4 cells 3 6.057 79659 313.0nm 3.009
PCA dPEL dnase D4 cells 3 2.892 9559 364.0nm 0.617
PCN dPEL dnase D4 cells 3 8.889 224853 364.0nm 17.153
PYO parWT none D4 cells 1 6.058 112620 313.0nm 4.254
PCA parWT none D4 cells 1 2.884 12221 364.0nm 0.788
PCN parWT none D4 cells 1 8.882 221277 364.0nm 16.880
PYO parWT none D4 cells 2 6.054 113343 313.0nm 4.281
PCA parWT none D4 cells 2 2.890 11791 364.0nm 0.761
PCN parWT none D4 cells 2 8.885 235562 364.0nm 17.970
PYO parWT none D4 cells 3 6.050 115030 313.0nm 4.345
PCA parWT none D4 cells 3 2.899 12012 364.0nm 0.775
PCN parWT none D4 cells 3 8.884 220430 364.0nm 16.816
PYO parWT dnase D4 cells 1 6.035 142692 313.0nm 5.390
PCA parWT dnase D4 cells 1 2.903 12500 364.0nm 0.807
PCN parWT dnase D4 cells 1 8.867 265215 364.0nm 20.232
PYO parWT dnase D4 cells 2 6.033 139603 313.0nm 5.273
PCA parWT dnase D4 cells 2 2.889 13201 364.0nm 0.852
PCN parWT dnase D4 cells 2 8.865 261564 364.0nm 19.954
PYO parWT dnase D4 cells 3 6.050 145352 313.0nm 5.491
PCA parWT dnase D4 cells 3 2.912 12819 364.0nm 0.827
PCN parWT dnase D4 cells 3 8.885 257027 364.0nm 19.607
PYO PBS blank blank blank 1 6.068 351 313.0nm 0.013
PCA PBS blank blank blank 1 2.956 228 364.0nm 0.015
PCN PBS blank blank blank 1 8.879 997 364.0nm 0.076
PYO dPEL none D4 agar 1 6.053 8584 313.0nm 0.324
PCA dPEL none D4 agar 1 2.913 31484 364.0nm 2.031
PCN dPEL none D4 agar 1 8.884 85982 364.0nm 6.559
PYO dPEL none D4 agar 2 6.044 8962 313.0nm 0.339
PCA dPEL none D4 agar 2 2.898 30886 364.0nm 1.993
PCN dPEL none D4 agar 2 8.875 78309 364.0nm 5.974
PYO dPEL none D4 agar 3 6.041 9625 313.0nm 0.364
PCA dPEL none D4 agar 3 2.895 29918 364.0nm 1.930
PCN dPEL none D4 agar 3 8.872 65806 364.0nm 5.020
PYO dPEL dnase D4 agar 1 6.057 9722 313.0nm 0.367
PCA dPEL dnase D4 agar 1 2.892 33419 364.0nm 2.156
PCN dPEL dnase D4 agar 1 8.885 76194 364.0nm 5.813
PYO dPEL dnase D4 agar 2 6.050 8473 313.0nm 0.320
PCA dPEL dnase D4 agar 2 2.897 30950 364.0nm 1.997
PCN dPEL dnase D4 agar 2 8.879 80942 364.0nm 6.175
PYO dPEL dnase D4 agar 3 6.051 8515 313.0nm 0.322
PCA dPEL dnase D4 agar 3 2.906 29703 364.0nm 1.916
PCN dPEL dnase D4 agar 3 8.876 84786 364.0nm 6.468
PYO parWT none D4 agar 1 6.045 15368 313.0nm 0.581
PCA parWT none D4 agar 1 2.903 41544 364.0nm 2.680
PCN parWT none D4 agar 1 8.877 78585 364.0nm 5.995
PYO parWT none D4 agar 2 6.035 17317 313.0nm 0.654
PCA parWT none D4 agar 2 2.894 43318 364.0nm 2.795
PCN parWT none D4 agar 2 8.868 91483 364.0nm 6.979
PYO parWT none D4 agar 3 6.047 14197 313.0nm 0.536
PCA parWT none D4 agar 3 2.878 37931 364.0nm 2.447
PCN parWT none D4 agar 3 8.880 77679 364.0nm 5.926
PYO parWT dnase D4 agar 1 6.040 22570 313.0nm 0.853
PCA parWT dnase D4 agar 1 2.879 59650 364.0nm 3.849
PCN parWT dnase D4 agar 1 8.876 78661 364.0nm 6.001
PYO parWT dnase D4 agar 2 6.048 20649 313.0nm 0.780
PCA parWT dnase D4 agar 2 2.884 52045 364.0nm 3.358
PCN parWT dnase D4 agar 2 8.882 67342 364.0nm 5.137
PYO parWT dnase D4 agar 3 6.051 19935 313.0nm 0.753
PCA parWT dnase D4 agar 3 2.883 51472 364.0nm 3.321
PCN parWT dnase D4 agar 3 8.883 113146 364.0nm 8.631
PCA PBS blank blank blank 1 2.926 220 364.0nm 0.014
PCN PBS blank blank blank 1 8.885 551 364.0nm 0.042

Let’s convert our measurements into biofilm and agar concentrations and also calculate the retention ratios.

# Convert to concentrations

df_dnase_conc <- df_dnase %>% filter(material != "blank") %>% 
    mutate(phz_conc = case_when(material == "cells" ~ Amount * 
        2 * 800/60, material == "agar" ~ Amount * 2 * 8/5))

# formatting levels for plotting

# df_dnase_conc$treatment <- factor(df_dnase_conc$treatment,
# levels = c('none','dnase') ) df_dnase_conc$strain <-
# factor(df_dnase_conc$strain, levels = c('parWT','dPEL'))

# Calculate retentions ratios
df_dnase_ratio <- left_join(df_dnase_conc %>% filter(material == 
    "cells"), df_dnase_conc %>% filter(material == "agar"), by = c("measured_phenazine", 
    "strain", "treatment", "day", "rep"), suffix = c("_cells", 
    "_agar")) %>% mutate(ret_ratio = phz_conc_cells/phz_conc_agar)

Parsek WT

And now let’s compare the treated and untreated WT biofilms:

# ggplot(df_dnase %>% filter(strain == 'parWT'), aes(x =
# treatment, y = Amount, fill = treatment)) +
# geom_jitter(shape = 21, width = 0.1) +
# facet_wrap(material~measured_phenazine, scales = 'free') +
# ylim(0,NA)

ggplot(df_dnase_conc %>% filter(strain == "parWT"), aes(x = treatment, 
    y = phz_conc, fill = treatment)) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(material ~ measured_phenazine, 
    scales = "free") + ylim(0, NA)

Interesting, looks like there might be some differences, but not in the direction we expected. Let’s look at the data in terms of the retention ratios.

ggplot(df_dnase_ratio %>% filter(strain == "parWT"), aes(x = treatment, 
    y = ret_ratio, fill = treatment)) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~measured_phenazine, scales = "free") + 
    ylim(0, NA)

Here the retention ratios all look pretty similar…if anything there was maybe an effect on PCA, which we do not expect with DNase.


Let’s see if the pel mutant looks any different.

ggplot(df_dnase_conc %>% filter(strain == "dPEL"), aes(x = treatment, 
    y = phz_conc, fill = treatment)) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(material ~ measured_phenazine, 
    scales = "free") + ylim(0, NA)

Seems pretty similar to WT. Here’s the retention ratios:

ggplot(df_dnase_ratio %>% filter(strain == "dPEL"), aes(x = treatment, 
    y = ret_ratio, fill = treatment)) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~measured_phenazine, scales = "free") + 
    ylim(0, NA)

Same story as the WT…basically no differences. If anything more PYO was retained in the treated colony.

This is pretty surprising, but basically the DNase either had no effect or not the same effect as before. I can think of three possible reasons:

  1. This is a different DNase than used previously. I used a different DNase from sigma previously…I also mixed DNase with exonuclease at various points and maybe I forgot that I also added exo, which mediated the real effect?
  2. I tried to increase activity with MgSO4…perhaps that had a strong effect that confounded the results.
  3. There’s some difference in trying to DNase the parsek WT and pel strains compared to the DKNlab WT strain.

I don’t know what the answer is, but it may be worth repeating the DNase experiment exactly as done previously.

WT vs. ∆pel

Do our results conform to the past measurements of these strains?

ggplot(df_dnase_conc %>% filter(treatment == "none"), aes(x = strain, 
    y = Amount, fill = treatment)) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(material ~ measured_phenazine, 
    scales = "free") + ylim(0, NA)

Looks like there are some differences, let’s transform into ratios:

ggplot(df_dnase_ratio %>% filter(treatment == "none"), aes(x = strain, 
    y = ret_ratio, fill = treatment)) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~measured_phenazine, scales = "free") + 
    ylim(0, NA)

Again, very small differences, not what we saw before when measuring these colonies. It’s unclear if this is normal variation or this is due to the spotting of DNase and the MgSO4? It may be worth repeating these WT vs. ∆pel measurements under normal conditions again.


Let’s go ahead and take a look at the ethidium bromide data:

df_etbr <- read_csv("data/2019_10_22_colony_etbr_data.csv")

<<<<<<< HEAD
df_etbr %>% kable() %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(height = "300px")
measured_phenazine strain phz_added_uM phz_added etbr_added_uM etbr_added_int etbr rep RT Area Channel Name Amount
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 1 6.038 348084 313.0nm 13.149
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 1 2.846 31 364.0nm 0.002
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 1 8.706 517 364.0nm 0.039
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 2 6.034 332025 313.0nm 12.542
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 2 3.015 22 364.0nm 0.001
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 2 8.694 614 364.0nm 0.047
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 3 6.039 382146 313.0nm 14.435
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 3 2.974 39 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 0uM 0 etbr 3 8.701 436 364.0nm 0.033
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 1 6.042 450658 313.0nm 17.023
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 1 3.088 32 364.0nm 0.002
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 1 8.776 319 364.0nm 0.024
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 2 6.045 371913 313.0nm 14.049
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 2 3.118 20 364.0nm 0.001
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 2 8.705 309 364.0nm 0.024
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 3 6.048 452176 313.0nm 17.081
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 3 2.947 77 364.0nm 0.005
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 10uM 10 etbr 3 8.792 361 364.0nm 0.028
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 1 6.046 356788 313.0nm 13.477
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 1 3.100 48 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 1 8.793 493 364.0nm 0.038
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 2 6.024 209776 313.0nm 7.924
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 2 3.079 55 364.0nm 0.004
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 2 8.781 610 364.0nm 0.047
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 3 6.054 376108 313.0nm 14.207
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 3 2.715 54 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 100uM 100 etbr 3 8.802 582 364.0nm 0.044
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 1 6.048 243798 313.0nm 9.209
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 1 2.780 79 364.0nm 0.005
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 1 8.802 1009 364.0nm 0.077
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 2 6.057 243376 313.0nm 9.193
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 2 2.914 83 364.0nm 0.005
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 2 8.812 590 364.0nm 0.045
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 3 6.035 260997 313.0nm 9.859
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 3 2.654 34 364.0nm 0.002
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PYO 500uM 500 etbr 3 8.795 1608 364.0nm 0.123
PYO PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 6.037 353 313.0nm 0.013
PCA PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 2.942 218 364.0nm 0.014
PCN PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 8.792 808 364.0nm 0.062
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PCN 0uM 0 etbr 1 6.045 45 313.0nm 0.002
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 0uM 0 etbr 1 3.085 45 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 0uM 0 etbr 1 8.869 33920 364.0nm 2.588
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 0uM 0 etbr 2 3.091 40 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 0uM 0 etbr 2 8.872 34694 364.0nm 2.647
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 0uM 0 etbr 3 3.141 46 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 0uM 0 etbr 3 8.862 36553 364.0nm 2.788
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 10uM 10 etbr 1 2.784 34 364.0nm 0.002
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 10uM 10 etbr 1 8.867 32268 364.0nm 2.462
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 10uM 10 etbr 2 2.654 28 364.0nm 0.002
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 10uM 10 etbr 2 8.872 33605 364.0nm 2.564
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 10uM 10 etbr 3 2.663 49 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 10uM 10 etbr 3 8.869 33102 364.0nm 2.525
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PCN 100uM 100 etbr 1 6.010 21 313.0nm 0.001
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 100uM 100 etbr 1 2.776 48 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 100uM 100 etbr 1 8.859 24916 364.0nm 1.901
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PCN 100uM 100 etbr 2 6.133 17 313.0nm 0.001
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 100uM 100 etbr 2 2.795 54 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 100uM 100 etbr 2 8.870 27055 364.0nm 2.064
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 100uM 100 etbr 3 2.917 39 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 100uM 100 etbr 3 8.864 24836 364.0nm 1.895
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 500uM 500 etbr 1 2.913 35 364.0nm 0.002
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 500uM 500 etbr 1 8.874 35586 364.0nm 2.715
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PCN 500uM 500 etbr 2 5.973 15 313.0nm 0.001
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 500uM 500 etbr 2 2.696 42 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 500uM 500 etbr 2 8.872 35579 364.0nm 2.714
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCN 500uM 500 etbr 3 2.984 43 364.0nm 0.003
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCN 500uM 500 etbr 3 8.870 36594 364.0nm 2.792
PYO PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 6.156 147 313.0nm 0.006
PCA PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 2.701 143 364.0nm 0.009
PCN PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 8.765 759 364.0nm 0.058
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PCA 0uM 0 etbr 1 5.986 14 313.0nm 0.001
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 0uM 0 etbr 1 2.930 7042 364.0nm 0.454
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 0uM 0 etbr 1 8.698 996 364.0nm 0.076
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PCA 0uM 0 etbr 2 5.916 19 313.0nm 0.001
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 0uM 0 etbr 2 2.902 6512 364.0nm 0.420
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 0uM 0 etbr 2 8.707 1068 364.0nm 0.081
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 0uM 0 etbr 3 2.907 6579 364.0nm 0.424
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 0uM 0 etbr 3 8.697 1102 364.0nm 0.084
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 10uM 10 etbr 1 2.915 6397 364.0nm 0.413
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 10uM 10 etbr 1 8.690 899 364.0nm 0.069
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 10uM 10 etbr 2 2.914 6321 364.0nm 0.408
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 10uM 10 etbr 2 8.711 980 364.0nm 0.075
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 10uM 10 etbr 3 2.912 6623 364.0nm 0.427
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 10uM 10 etbr 3 8.706 1076 364.0nm 0.082
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PCA 100uM 100 etbr 1 6.090 26 313.0nm 0.001
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 100uM 100 etbr 1 2.909 6223 364.0nm 0.402
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 100uM 100 etbr 1 8.896 574 364.0nm 0.044
PYO dPHZstar 50uM PCA 100uM 100 etbr 2 6.039 16 313.0nm 0.001
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 100uM 100 etbr 2 2.910 6658 364.0nm 0.430
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 100uM 100 etbr 2 8.716 491 364.0nm 0.037
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 100uM 100 etbr 3 2.911 6127 364.0nm 0.395
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 100uM 100 etbr 3 8.911 526 364.0nm 0.040
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 500uM 500 etbr 1 2.910 8754 364.0nm 0.565
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 500uM 500 etbr 1 8.919 616 364.0nm 0.047
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 500uM 500 etbr 2 2.934 9064 364.0nm 0.585
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 500uM 500 etbr 2 8.932 540 364.0nm 0.041
PCA dPHZstar 50uM PCA 500uM 500 etbr 3 2.939 7969 364.0nm 0.514
PCN dPHZstar 50uM PCA 500uM 500 etbr 3 8.930 570 364.0nm 0.043
PYO PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 6.132 146 313.0nm 0.006
PCA PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 3.000 79 364.0nm 0.005
PCN PBS blank blank blank NA blank 1 8.781 678 364.0nm 0.052

Here’s a first plot of the data:

ggplot(df_etbr, aes(x = factor(etbr_added_int), y = Amount, fill = factor(etbr_added_int))) + 
    geom_jitter(shape = 21, width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~phz_added, 
    scales = "free") + scale_fill_viridis_d()

Everything looks pretty good, there are three points detected for each condition, any other time a phenazine was falsely detected its basically at zero. The values for the blanks are also near zero.

Now let’s convert into biofilm concentrations and make our final plot:

======= ggplot(df_etbr, aes(x = factor(etbr_added_int), y = Amount, fill = factor(etbr_added_int))) + geom_jitter(shape = 21, width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~phz_added, scales = "free") + scale_fill_viridis_d()

>>>>>>> 2dc5af45939f130d8a389a2be60f03ef33d678ce
df_etbr_conc <- df_etbr %>% filter(phz_added != "blank") %>% 
    filter(measured_phenazine == phz_added) %>% mutate(phz_conc = Amount * 
    2 * 800/60) %>% group_by(measured_phenazine, phz_added, etbr_added_uM) %>% 
    mutate(mean = mean(phz_conc))

ggplot(df_etbr_conc, aes(x = factor(etbr_added_int), y = phz_conc, 
    fill = factor(etbr_added_int))) + geom_col(data = . %>% filter(rep == 
<<<<<<< HEAD
    "1"), aes(y = mean), fill = "light gray") + geom_jitter(shape = 21, 
    width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~phz_added, scales = "free") + 
    scale_fill_viridis_d() + ylim(0, NA)

First let’s look at the PCA. The only thing that jumps out is that the 500uM EtBr colony seems to have more PCA than the other conditions. This is not expected, but it may indecate that we are actually biasing that last sample by the way we are extracting, by resuspending the same amount of PCA in a smaller volume. However, a back of the envelope estimate is that the volume changed by ~ 15% and it looks more like a 30% difference here, so I don’t think that explains all of it.

Anyway, it looks like the PCN colonies lose a little PCN as the etbr reaches 100, but then 500 shows no difference. PYO shows a pattern more similar to past data, but it’s still not perfect.

======= 1), aes(y = mean), fill = "light gray") + geom_jitter(shape = 21, width = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~phz_added, scales = "free") + scale_fill_viridis_d() + ylim(0, NA)

>>>>>>> 2dc5af45939f130d8a389a2be60f03ef33d678ce


Very little about these experimental results conformed to my expectations. It’s unclear whether this was due to changes in experimental setup or true variability in the results. It may be worth repeating these experiments again the way that they were done previously.

Specific to the EtBr experiment, it may also be worth trying etbr concentrations lower than 500 or even 100. It’s not ideal that the colonies have a dramatically different morphology / texture…could suggest the etbr is doing something unintended.

If you repeat the etbr experiment, perhaps try to resuspend the tough etbr colonies using the p1000, while the colony is still on the membrane in the tube. This would prevent any difference in processing involved in taking the colony / membrane out of the tube.

## R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
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